Winterize Your Car

Winter can mean very different things depending on which region of the United States you live in.  Texas has gotten winter storms with temperatures in the low 20s.  It is recommended that you winterize your car before the winter season but any time is a good time. ...

Tips to Remember When Driving on Icy Roads

Have you checked the weather lately?  Texas can have all four seasons in one week.  For the next few days, Texas more than likely will experience snow up North and rainy, cold temperatures in areas such as Houston.  But when the temperatures drop and forecast calls...

Idling Your Car During Winter Months

We all have heard idling your car is necessary so it warms up before driving it during winter months.  For that reason many of us living in cold and snowy places turn our vehicles before we have to drive.  But experts believe we have fallen victim to a myth that is...

Defining Umbrella Insurance Coverage

Umbrella insurance is a form of liability insurance that supplements your basic liability policies that protect you from major claims and lawsuits. Umbrella policies provide a broader form of coverage when claims are filed on bodily injury and property damage.  There...

Why Should I Purchase Commercial Auto Insurance?

If you use your vehicles to transport or conduct work-related errands for your business consider purchasing commercial auto insurance.  Your personal auto policy excludes certain business usage and vehicle types. Commercial auto policies offer physical damage and...

What is The Difference Between Leasing or Buying a Vehicle?

Owning a vehicle allows you some form of flexibility in your lifestyle.  You have the freedom to come and go.  Take road trips with your family making new memories together.  Having a vehicle lets you create and manage your own schedule on your own terms.  You...