Getting your home prepped for the cold season can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some quick home maintenance tips for fall.

  1. Check Your Home for Peeling Paint. Peeling paint on the exterior of your home is a sign that your existing paint film is failing. If this isn’t corrected it can lead to the deterioration of your home’s siting, which will mean costly repairs in the future.
  2. Clean Your Gutters. After the fall season, your gutters can get clogged with leaves, branches, and more. Be sure to clean them out, as well as clean out your downspouts. Wash them out with water and inspect joints and tighten brackets where its necessary.
  3. Caulk Your Windows. Caulking around the windows of your home can prevent heat from escaping and also helps keep unwanted outside cold air at bay. It also prevents ice and water from getting trapped in your window frames and growing mold.
  4. Inspect Your Roof. Your roof is your first defense against the elements. Ice, rain, wind, and snow can do some serious damage to your roof, so check it before the snowy/icy season begins.
  5. Check Your Plumbing. Take a look at any exposed pipes that tend to have standing water and will be even moderately exposed to the elements (like a p-trap). If they are exposed, you will need to insulate them using pipe insulation, which can be bought at any major hardware store for very cheap.
  6. Seal Your Driveway. Clean out any cracks and crevices in your driveway and fill it with driveway filler. Then add a layer of commercial sealer, which will help protect your driveway from the harsh winter elements.
  7.  Reverse Ceiling Fans. Reversing your ceiling fan’s spin creates an upward draft, which helps redistribute warm air inside your home.
  8. Prepare Your Deck. Clean your deck furniture and inspect it for any needed repairs. Be sure that it is properly stored and out of the elements if possible. Additionally, if you have any pots that have dirt in them with no plants, be sure to empty them — when it freezes, the water in the dirt will expand and can crack your pots.

I hope that these 8 tips will serve you well as you prep for the cold season. If you need any more help with your home, feel free to give us a call. You can also look into our affordable homeowners insurance here.