Here in Texas we know summer has arrived when you walk outside and it is 100 degrees in the shade.  Summer vacations are also when we enjoy spending time together with our families.  With kids and a mortgage it may seem impossible fitting travel into your budget.  But there are ways you can travel affordably with just a bit of planning.

Budgeting For Summer Vacation

Before You Go

Do your research before you go as this can potentially save you a lot of money.  When you have chosen a destination read up on it so that you have an idea of what you can expect to pay in food, shopping and activities.  Look for deals online through discount sites that can help you save money on tours, food, hotel stays and activities.  Now that you have enough information you can draft a budget but remember to leave money aside for impulse buys or tours.

While On Vacation

Once you have chosen your destination and have a plan talk to all your travel companions to get everyone on the same page.  Inform every traveler of the budget and where each amount is potentially going to go while on summer vacation.  Speaking to everyone beforehand will avoid arguments when choosing a place to dine in or planned activities.  Another idea to save money on is creating experiences together such as tours or activities rather than spending money on souvenirs that can be thrown away later.  On your down time, track how much you have spent in food, tour and other items, it will give you an idea on how much more to spend and helps to get back on track when you get home.

Once Back At Home

Within a few days back from vacation assess your budget by reviewing you bank or credit card statement and expenses journal you kept to see where the money went.  Do not be upset if you overspent as you have made great memories with your family.  By tracking your spending you will have a better plan for your next vacation and you will pay off any balances faster.

Have a safe and wonderful summer with your friends and family!