Paying for property insurance month after month can seem a useless expense to many homeowners. Owning property insurance may be your only opportunity to rebuild in case a disaster strikes. In other words, property insurance on your home could be the best purchase you ever make and hope you never use. If you are currently paying on a mortgage, your lender will require you to purchase property.
Insurance Coverage and Exclusions
Basic property insurance or dwelling covers damage made to your home caused by fire, lightning, vandalism, or other specified covered perils. Homeowner’s policies cover your dwelling in addition to damage to your personal property because of theft or other covered perils. If you own expensive jewelry, your items will be covered by adding an additional rider or provision to your policy. Your property insurance policy also carries liability coverage protecting your guests if they get injured while inside your home. Coverage you are offered through your property insurance also includes payment of legal costs if sued by an individual. Neither dwelling nor homeowner’s polices cover damage to property caused by earthquakes and floods. Coverage may be denied to policy holders for damage resulting from neglect or poor maintenance of their property.
Protects More Than Your Home
- DWELLING: A deck or garage are structures covered by your policy for repairs if damaged by named perils.
- OTHER STRUCTURES: A fence, for example is covered by your policy for repairs if damaged by a covered peril.
- PERSONAL PROPERTY: Furniture or electronics are covered by your policy if stolen or damaged by a covered peril.
- VISITORS: If your guests are injured the medical protection coverage in your property insurance may help pay for medical bills.
- ADDITIONAL LIVING EXPENSES: If your home is inhabitable after a covered risk your policy pays for temporary living costs
Contact us for a free quote on property insurance or to answer any questions you may have regarding coverage.